Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Query Kombat

As you guys know, I occasionally enter writerly contests in hopes of honing my query skillz. And you know, landing an agent. Well today marks the start of Query Kombat! A unique contest were queries directly face off with each in a March Madness sort of way. (Not that I know much about March Madness. Not really a fan of basketball.)

Over 200 queries were submitted for Query Kombat but out of those only 64 were chosen, so just being chosen gives me confidence in my query and opening 250 words. Now it's going to come down to personal preferences, which is always sticky.

My fingers are crossed that THE DESCENT OF CHRIS CHAPPELL might survive a few rounds. 

If you're a writerly type, head over to Query Kombat and throw in your opinions and comments. Go here for the details, here for this round's rules, and here for my entry. My entry nickname is Villainous Wizard. Don't act surprised. It's sort of what my story is about, and I've only ever been honest on this blog about my super-villain tendencies.

For everyone else, please come back on Thursday when I hope to unveil a not-so sekrit project.

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